Exchange 2010 - Monitoring Mailbox Moves

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 2782

You right click on a mailbox, you select New Local Move Request, you go through the rest of the steps and then you wonder.  You can select the Move Request object to see if the process has been completed but with large mailboxes, you're left wondering how far along in the process is the move...

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Move DHCP to Another Server

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 2759

I haven't tested this on different server versions.  In this instance, I moved DHCP from a Windows 2003 Server to another Windows 2003 Server.

I've seen at least one other method which involved some command line activity but this method seems simple enough.

On both the source and the destination server, launch the DHCP Manager, right click on the server name, select:

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Fix Active Directory DNS

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 7625

Have you ever noticed those odd folders under Active Directory DNS such as:


Those are important -- don't delete them!

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