Understanding Web Path Scanners

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 3897

Kali Linux comes with a number of web path brute force utilities and when using these tools, you will find that one will work better over another when pointing at Server A versus Server B.  That could be any number of reasons including defense mechanisms which is why I’d suggest changing the user agent -- something I wrote about for Nikto.

These tools are pretty simple as long as you have the correct syntax.  That is -- until they don’t work which happens.  In those moments, you start bouncing around between this tool, that tool, and another tool expecting a better outcome.  In pentesting, there are a lot of tools and techniques to learn and the web brute force utilities are simple enough that we don’t spend time figuring out what they do behind the scenes.  That said, if you take a moment and look at it from the server side, you might see why the scan is failing. 

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Rewriting Exploits: Webmin Arbitrary File Disclosure

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 5744

Penetration testers come from all walks of life but there are two obvious sources which I see most often -- IT and development.  Each come with advantages but eventually we'll need to fill in the gaps with the knowledge of the other.  My background is in IT and my skills in system and network administration run deep.  I'm filling in the software development gaps though.

If you're starting out in penetration testing and you're like me, first you'll need to learn how to read code and get to a point where you understand what you're reading.  It takes time but eventually, you'll see patterns and you'll recognize functions, variables, and other common syntax.  You might not be able to write code from scratch at this point but you be able to understand what's going on.  Once you get to this level, pick a language and rewrite what you see.

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Defending Against Responder.py

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 3204

There have been plenty of articles written on Responder.py and LLMNR / NBT attacks.  A quick recap:  Essentially, computers are asking for resources, the requests are being intercepted (and poisoned), and NTLMv2 hashes are captured.

If you haven’t played with Responder.py on a network with a few dozen computers, it’s pretty amazing.  It seems to work best in the morning when people are starting up their machines.  But even then, it takes a few hours to capture some hashes.  I’ve never run it with the goal of capturing every hash but I would bet if that was your goal, it could take at least a day to get every hash.

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