sqlmap -- VehicleWorkshop SQL Injection

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 3669

VehicleWorkshop is vulnerable to SQL Injection and you can view the tidbit of information on Exploit-DB.  Essentially, our injection point is "vehicleid=" but this isn't a login prompt, I can't use:  bob' or 1=1;-- and while I don't like tools, this is definitely a job for sqlmap.  

Before we get started, let's get this app setup.  You can download the app from Exploit-DB, extract it to a folder, and setup the permissions with chmod 777.  I wanted command execution which is why I gave the folder wrx.  Without it, you won't be able to perform any of the os-shell commands.  You can get into sql-shell and poke around but it's not nearly as fun.  

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Vulnhub BSides Vancouver: 2018 Walkthrough

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 1547

I periodically hit up Vulnhub for some machines to beat on.  Bsides Vancouver:  2018 (Workshop) is the most recent addition, it's description states:  "Boot2root challenges aim to create a safe environment where you can perform real-world penetration testing on an (intentionally) vulnerable target."

It was designed for VirtualBox but this was easily imported into Xenserver.  Once I got it running, I started my enumeration.

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Fail2Ban for Content Management Systems

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 2563

I was setting up fail2ban recently, I noticed that my notes were outdated, and I decided to document the setup for current setups.  Despite what the title states, this can be used for anything as long as you know what logs are receiving entries and what attacks look like.  For example, I haven't played with Drupal in a while but I seem to recall the admin page looking something like:  ?q=user/login

With that information, we search the logs for repeated attempts, create a regex and now this works for Drupal as well.

If you haven't already installed iptables, here are the steps for enabling iptables for ports open on ssh, http, and https.

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