A Restore Solution

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 1329

From time to time companies go through audits for various reasons.  In some cases, we’re the party performing the audit.  In other cases, a third party is performing the audit and we’re a participant from the technical team.  It’s a mixed bag because audits aren’t fun.  And no matter when you schedule them, it’s an inconvenience.  Rarely do I see both parties genuinely interested in the process or the outcome.  And let’s be honest, someone is questioning someone else’s ability to do their job.

That said, having been on the frontline of a disaster recovery or two has taught me to take audits seriously.  Particularly when it comes to backups because a company can survive many obstacles but data loss typically isn’t one of them. 

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Vulnhub Dina: 1.0.1 Walkthrough

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 3215

In the realm of vulnerable boxes, I prefer the more realistic situations rather than the style that leans toward capture the flag.  I get it.  When a person creates a vulnerable machine, it takes time and creativity and for that, I tip my hat to you.  Thank you for creating boxes!  All of you!  This one, however, leans toward the CTF style -- fortunately, it's not difficult and I rooted it quickly.  It was clever, I got to play around with a new application, and when I'm done with this post, I'm going back for a manual exploit on the same vuln.  

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Vulnhub Stapler: 1 Walkthrough

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 7542

Now this is a box to test your ability to stay focused.  There are a few things going on that can distract you which could cause you to overlook the smaller, more important, details.  I can't say this with all of the boxes but I stayed on the right path from start to finish.  

According to the notes, there are two ways to get a low privilege shell and three ways to root.  I found two ways to a low privilege shell and suspect there's actually a third.  I know of two ways to get root and I'll have to read a walkthrough to see the third avenue.  

There's so much going on with this box for post exploitation and I want to play around a bit more but I have to move on.  

If I were just starting out and I fumbled around on this box, I would go back to this box again in three to six months when I'd forgotten as much as I could and give it another go.  

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