
by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 1139

Mshta.exe executes HTML application files -- and in terms of living off the land, this could be a useful tool in certain situations.  This is becoming less usable as a/v products clue in on the execution but it still works against some a/v products in some scenarios.  Probably a less useful method would involve Metasploit but this is a fairly easy way to show how this works.  There are other ways to generate HTA files, SharpShooter comes to mind, but those methods are becoming extinct as well. 


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by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 1944

"Spoof SSDP replies to phish for credentials and NetNTLM challenge/response. Creates a fake UPNP device, tricking users into visiting a malicious phishing page. Also detects and exploits XXE 0-day vulnerabilities in XML parsers for UPNP-enabled apps."

So what is SSDP?  "The Simple Service Discovery Protocol is a network protocol based on the Internet protocol suite for advertisement and discovery of network services and presence information."

And if that's unclear to you, it will all make sense in a moment when you see what appears in the Network view. 

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by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 2000

According to the description:  "A PowerShell based utility for the creation of malicious Office macro documents. To be used for pentesting or educational purposes only."

If you've used the Unicorn tool, this is not too dissimilar but instead of providing you with the PowerShell and it being somewhat specific to Metasploit, this allows you to generate Macro payloads and it can directly insert them into Excel for you.  In addition, if you use Invoke-Obfuscation, you can also obfuscate the payloads in a variety of different formats. 

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