CSharp Reverse Shell

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 2960

This is not original work, I found it here on Github.  Interesting idea with a somewhat limited use... in my opinion.  The description states:  "c# reverse shell poc that also does TLS".  I keep reading that CSharp is the new PowerShell but as far as I can tell, CSharp payloads are getting detected so maybe that ship has passed.  I will say that this shell goes undetected but it does require the arguments so it's not something you can get a user to click on. 

One final thought -- you only need Program.cs which can be compiled in the .NET folder.

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Schtasks Persistance

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 1672

I'll warn you up front, this may or may not work with certain a/v products.  You also don't need to use Metasploit and in fact, you're probably better off if you don't.  The concept is the same though, we're going to schedule a task to run in Windows on login.  What we choose to execute can be anything really and it's probably better if it's something that can avoid detection from a/v. 

Using the Metasploit method, we setup script delivery:

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Nmap XML to CSV

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 27316

Nmap - xml2csv : "Converts Nmap XML output to csv file, and other useful functions. Ignores hosts that are down and ports that are not open."

A friend showed me this tool the other night and it's kind of funny because I was just looking for something like this but didn't find it when searching.  I normally use the -oN flag to output to a file but I was wishing for a better way to organize the data and poof, here it is...

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