Vulnhub Sar: 1 Walkthrough

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 7055

It's been a while since I've written up a box and Vulnhub just dumped a fresh batch so here we go...

The box description states:  "Sar is an OSCP-Like VM with the intent of gaining experience in the world of penetration testing." 

This is a solid entry level box.  Nothing complicated and going through standard enumeration should lead to a low privilege shell and root. 

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GoPhish Campaigns

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 1872

In a previous post, I wrote about GoPhish.  Since then, I've been working quite a bit with GoPhish and there are some tricks to an effective campaign that I'd like to share.  First, I'd like to point out, this is not a game where you try to win but it's also not something you want to approach like a fake Nigerian Prince.  You want to fall somewhere in the middle.  With respect to the actual campaigns, rather than come at the company all at once, I want to break the company into groups.  In this campaign, we're targeting the sales group.

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Bash Data Exfil

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 1160

Not unlike the previous post, PowerShell Data Exfil, this is another example of how we would move data outside the network using email.  This time, we're using a simple Bash script that base64 encodes the data, calls Sendmail, and exfiltrates the data to a Gmail account.  By default, Gmail will not allow what it considers "less secure apps" to send data but a simple flip of the switch will solve that issue.  As a final point, we're obviously not confined to using Gmail, I would suggest using a provider that supports TLS rather than sending this over port 25. 

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