Stealth Persistence aka RID Hijacking
- by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 746
Somehow you make your way onto a system and perhaps you want to maintain that access. There are a number of reasons and methods for maintaining persistence and one such method is RID Hijacking. The short of it is this -- each account is assigned a relative identifier (RID). The Administrator account is assigned 500 and user accounts begin at 1000. If we modify a user account and assign it the same RID as the Administrator account, for all intents and purposes, we are an administrator.
We query users and we add our stealthy account. I like the idea of the ASPNET account because it looks like something we shouldn't mess with.
Now that we have an account created, we want to get the RID:
We need to convert our RID to hexidecimal:
Using PSExec, we launch a command prompt as SYSTEM:
We check our ID and we launch Regedit which will give us access to areas of the registry we wouldn't have access to in any other account.
Accessing the Administrator account:
We have a value of F4 01:
We modify the value for our ASPNET4.0 account:
Changing its value to that of the Administrator account:
A zoom out of the registry value we're modifying:
We login with our new account:
We check the administrators group which should not have our account listed and it does not:
Using our account to perform an administrative function: