Vulnhub Katana: 1 Walkthrough

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 3900

This box is described as "Intermediate" and the description states:  "Get the root shell i.e.(root@localhost:~#) and then obtain flag under /root)."

I'll admit, I'm getting a little worn out on the multiple web serving troll ports.  It's basically the same box recycled with a different twist.  That being said, the privilege escalation was excellent.  There are multiple entrances for a low privilege shell and I cover two. 

We kick off with Nmap:

Lots of open ports like the previous boxes from this author.  When we search port 80 with Nikto, we find:

When we access it from the web browser, we find:

Scrolling down, we find:

Moving over to the admin page, we try admin admin :

We're in!  I attempt to upload a shell:

But that errors out.  When I look in the address, I see what could be SQL Injection:

Mind you, this is a deviation and it goes nowhere but if you want to play around with it, this is how it starts:

We capture the post in Burp and we insert it into a file.  We fire up SQLMap:

We find a database:

Let's enumerate the database:

We find a table and we get the column info:

Let's dump the table:

And we find what we already know when cracking the hash, the username is admin and the password is admin.

Circling back -- looking at the format of the pages, I guess that maybe admin_edit.php exists:

I attempt to upload a shell:

When I try to add it:

We get an error. 

Meanwhile, I'm brute forcing SSH and I find:

That's our first in, I'm not sure that was intended.  We SSH over to the box:

As I'm hunting around the various web servers, I find:

I think this was probably the intended entry:

We upload our shell:

Note the location of the file but recognize that it's NOT on this web server, it's the server running on port 8715:

With our handler setup:

Getting in as www-data buys us nothing.  Back to katana, I search for files with capabilities and I uncover:

Which leads us to:

With Python2.7, we can execute a shell for root.  We get the flag and it's game over!  I really like the privilege escalation, that was solid.  Took me a bit to figure that out because it doesn't show up on privilege escalation scripts -- or at least those I ran.