Vulnhub MinU: 1 Walkthrough

by Vince
in Blog
Hits: 2397

First off, let me say that this was a very cool box.  The description says "easy / intermediate" but I really think that depends on your set of skills.  I could see how someone could get stuck at a certain point and I think if that's the case, I can point you to something else I've written which should help clarify what you're dealing with and how to get past the obstacle.  I don't want to spoil too much at this point so let's just start off like we normally do.

We kick off with an Nmap scan:

Not much to work on other than a web port.  Let's see what Nikto tells us:

Before we move on to heavy fuzzy, let's see what this test.php is all about:

Not much to work on here either, let's check out the source:

Ok, that's interesting.  Looks like maybe we have the potential for a Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability.  Let's spell out the entire path:

Nothing changes, didn't expect it would though.  What happens if we feed it /etc/passwd?  

Hmmmm.  That doesn't work.  Let's try an injection technique:

So it looks like we have injection capability but not for everything.  Let's see if there's a Web Application Firewall (WAF) in front of it:

Ah.  That makes sense now.  Let's see if we can use globbing patterns to get around the rules:


Now if this /e?c/?asswd format makes sense to you, you can probably figure out the rest.  If it doesn't, read this post on WAF Bypass.  I think that post will help clear things up for this box as well as some other situations you might encounter.  It also has all of the commands I use moving forward.

Moving on...

We know what to do to bypass the filter but we can make an outbound connection.  Using wget:

With our handler setup:

Excellent!  Let's use wget to download rshell44.txt to the /tmp folder on our victim and save it with a .php extension:

Let's do an ls on /tmp to see if the file is present:

Almost home!  Let's change the permissions on our shell:

Now let's execute our shell:

With our handler setup:

Sweet!  We catch our shell.

Let's poke around the system and see what we find:

That looks like base64 and perhaps a JSON Web Token (JWT).  Let's decode it:

Yup, it's a JWT.  Let's use jwt-cracker to crack the secret:

Basically, we're just brute forcing the token using a-0 and A-0.  After some time passes:

We find our secret!  Let's try to switch user and see if this password works:

Ha!  I actually thought this would be Bob's password and we'd have to move to root later but it turns out it was root's password.  

What a blast!  I very much enjoyed this challenge.  Since I was using jwt-cracker on a Kali VM, it took 13 hours to finish.  I could have passed this over to Hashcat or used jwt-cracker on a bare metal machine to get faster results.  It didn't matter.  When I started the process, I had to step out and I didn't come back until the next day.  I certainly wouldn't have stared at it for 13 hours!

Not to rehash the WAF Bypass article but the first time I saw the globbing technique, I was very blown away.  Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I did!