Our Services
Security management
We provide vulnerability assessments, penetration testing services, and adversary emulation, for peace of mind, risk management, and regulatory compliance. Our assessments will give you an accurate understanding of your current security posture and help you focus your attention on the real-world risks.
Employee education
And because your employees are often your first line of defense - or weakness – we offer employee education in computer security, awareness training, and corporate security policies.
Vulnerability management
Seven Layers is committed to fortifying the cyber resilience of small to medium-sized businesses by offering comprehensive, tailored cybersecurity solutions that identify threats in an ever-evolving landscape.
Phishing simulation
Phishing is the low hanging fruit and as such, we run continuous phishing campaigns to educate employees on how to detect malicious emails and also on how to report them. Our campaigns run quarterly with each user's experience often differing from another in order to truly understand the level of knowledge throughout an organization.